SNOWIE LLC Lemon Lime RTU Syrup, Gal, Snowie RTULEMON-GA

Think back to when you were a child. Now think about those hot summer days you would spend playing on the playground. Swinging on the swings. Sliding down the slides. Monkeying around on the monkey bars. Those were good days. To top it all off, you would get a snow cone to chill out during those scorching hot days. What would you order? A lemon-lime snow cone. Now as an adult you want to recreate those days for a new generation of children. Or those looking to reminisce on a feeling they have not felt in years.Snowie is going to be your choice in shaved ice flavoring. This lemon-lime flavored syrup is made from pure, fine-quality cane sugar. Its tangy, tart flavor brings out the inner child in everyone, reminding them that shaved ice is the perfect treat for a hot summer day.
It is great for adding that tangy, tart flavor that lemon and limes provide. (1 gal)

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